Welcome to the planning Department of Machakos University.
The Department was established in the year 2016 as Planning Department under the office of Deputy Vice-chancellor (APF). It is headed by Head of Department (Planning).
The Department has 3 service sections namely;
- Transport
- Cleaning and Environment
- Repairs and Maintenance.
Although the Department is under the office of Deputy Vice-chancellor (APF), it serves as a key Department to the University because of its roles to the University at large. The Department ensures that the University’s infrastructure is well maintained and availed to users efficiently. It also advises on establishment of projects as provided by the University’s Master Plan.
Planning Department provides Secretariat services to space allocation committee and its always present in all construction projects in the University.
Staff List
1. | Mr. Patrick Githinji | Ag. Head Planning |
2 | Mr. Richard Nzwili | Senior Administrative Assistant |
3. | Mr. Anthony Mutua | Ag. Estates Coordinator |
4. | Ms. Margaret Munyua | Senior Administrative Assistant |
5. | Mr. Fredrick Kathili | Supervisor, Cleaning and Environment |
6. | Mr. Lawrence Kioko | Technician (Carpentry) |
7. | Mr. Stephen M. Wambua | Plumber |
8. | Mr. John M. Mbithi | Mason |
9. | Mr. Stephen Nyamai | Electrician |
10. | Mr. Thomas Munguti | Electrician |
11 | Mr. Peter Okungu | Electrician |
12. | Mr. Stanley Kamba | Welder |
13. | Mr. Jackson Musyoka | Welder |
14. | Mr. Yusuf Walumbe | Technician (Welding) |
15. | Mr. Joseph Kimeu | Electrician |
16. | Mr.Paul M. Nzaku | Grounds attendant |
17. | Mr. Benedict Maweu | Grounds attendant |
18. | Mr.John Makau | Grounds attendant |